Preparing Crossrail for Parliament

Preparing a Bill for parliamentary scrutiny.

Knowing the ropes

Preparing a project for parliamentary scrutiny is about as demanding as it gets. You can be sure that every detail will be pored over and every weakness exposed.

Thorough consultation

Crossrail had conducted an extensive and exemplary consultation along the routes and had invested in a comprehensive environmental impact assessment. The thoroughness of this preparation had given the whole team confidence. Our task was to ensure that all the hard work did not falter in the production phase.

Innovative project design

We planned all media design and production from a brand communications perspective rather than a planning/engineering view. The result is a vast array of documentation that encapsulates the whole consultation and assessment process in print, audio and online.

Recording for posterity

The historical significance of this project was underlined when we were asked to give access to an artist that had been commissioned by Crossrail to produce 12 paintings recording significant locations along the route. Our studio, and key project staff from both UXB and Crossrail, were included in the finished piece which now hangs, with the other commissioned paintings, at Crossrail HQ.
