5 top finds #27

An intriguing marketing ploy involving cats (no, not the Ikea cat video), an impressive use of HTML5, 20 tips for mobile optimisation, Google's (ridiculous) spending habits and drawing some 3.2million dots (no, really). It's 5 top finds...

1. Catvertising

This morning, here at UXB towers, we were talking about how best to control our recently discovered rodent situation. After an intense discussion, we had a collective epiphany; we could simply follow Toronto's John St.'s lead and open a catvertising arm. Visit YouTube to understand what we're on about (trust us, it's worth it).

2. Canvas & HTML5 with 9elements

What happens when you combine HTML5, tweets mentioning "love" and "HTML5", a bit of music and some serious development talent in the form of 9elements?

"HTML5 experiment" is the wonderful result. Beautiful work!

3. Mobile optimisation with Conversion Conference London

If we were to summarise this year in two words, they would be "Go Mobile". We've been going on about being ready for the mobile revolution for the majority of 2011 – and 2012 promises to be no different.

If you still need convincing (although if you follow the UXB blog we hope you don't), SEOptimise has a great list of 20 tips you should be thinking about when joining champions of mobile first. Well worth a read.

4. "Hi, I'm Google and I'm a (shopping) addict"

It's technology conference Le Web this week. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt had the 2pm slot on the main stage yesterday and delivered some extremely interesting tidbits. It turns out that, on average, Google are buying one company every week – they bought 57 this year!

As usual, TechCrunch has the lowdown.

5. A hero with a pen, pencil and RSI

Multi-talented web developer Miguel Endara appears to have a serious bit of skill with a pen and pencil. He recently spent an astounding 210 hours creating 3.2million(!) dots on a piece of paper.

That may sound a little pointless – but when you see the finished product you'll be as blown away as we were. You can watch the video on Vimeo.