Silver Dream Machine

Life's Big Questions

If you could see anything in the world, what would it be?

Children across the country were invited to answer big, burning questions about their perception of the world.

We were asked by A New Direction and We Are The Curious to design and build the online, interactive quiz for schools that would facilitate Life's Big Questions.

The objective - to help children think about how we experience the world and why the senses aren’t as simple as they seem.

'It’s so interactive, the children were really engaged, and its so easy to use.'

'All the children have been fully engaged and really enthusiastic throughout.'

Life's Biq Questions is an interactive quiz hosted exploring the power of the human mind.

In 2022 children across the country were invited to answer big, burning questions about their perception of the world. The Dreamachine Schools programme, for students aged 7 - 11, encouraged them to delve deep inside their minds and stimulate their wildest imaginations.

The project asked questions aimed to evoke a sense of discovery and curiosity about others, and for students to discover how others feel and experience the world. Students thought about what really matters to them and what they’d choose to find out about others. What teachers discovered was a fascinating glimpse into their unique world.

Launched during the summer term, primary school aged children across the country – both in school and at home – completed a series of mind boggling challenges as part of Life’s Big Questions programme.

At the end of every exercise, they were asked a question that prompted them to think big (really big), about the world around them and their connections with others. It gave children the opportunity to voice their opinions, unlock their imaginations and reveal what is important to them.


A web app that connects arts and cultural organisations with London Schools