The Home Buyer's Guide Publication and Website Development
Giving home buyers the knowledge
Demand more
One of the key objectives of the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) is to inspire people to demand more from the buildings and spaces they live in.
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Since buying a house has almost become a TV genre in its own right, the need for impartial advice, unaffected by the scramble for ratings, has become increasingly needed. Who better to turn to than the Government’s architectural experts.
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CABE asked us to put their knowledge across to people looking for their dream home.
We worked with author Alex Ely to create, design and edit the printed version of The Home Buyer’s Guide. The book was published by Black Dog, who we had previously collaborated with on the Kenneth Anger book.
Strong concept
The book explored What to look for and What to ask for. With practical examples of demands and enquiries that buyers should make when visiting a housing development marketing suite or show home.
Cross media
We also designed and built the associated website to give more people the chance of getting real value for money in their property purchasing decisions.
“I like the way the book encourages you to imagine yourself, living in a property, and to think about whether the layout would suit your lifestyle, how you’d move about the kitchen, where you’d put all your belongings and so on, the book is easy to follow and quick to read.”
Building Magazine