Springside search marketing
Carefully selected key words, a strong brand, valid code, great content deliver outstanding SEO results for Springside, Edinburgh’s new city centre neighbourhood.
Getting the name right first
If, like us, part of your job is to name brands, you really need a good wordsmith on the team. If the name that you want doesn’t show in an online a search, then chances are you’ve cracked it. If it does, and it nearly always will, dammit, then start again.
Start with the words
Springside was a winning name from the start. Rooted in the topography of the surrounding landscape and echoing the names of other Edinburgh neighbourhoods, it creates a feelgood factor as it rolls off the tongue. Happily it was wide open to register in all the major domain name suffixes too. Having that name has given Springside a head start in SEO terms because it is on its own, unique, uncrowded and impossible to confuse with anything similar.
Why code contributes to performance
Brief, elegant, Web Standards compliant code is more search engine friendly. Search engines reward the good code and punish the bad. So the next time some clown offers you a Flash site or a Flash intro, just after you’ve hit them very hard, ask how this will help in search rankings.
Natural and paid search
For Springside we’re using a balanced investment in both natural and paid search. Paid search is the practice of buying key words or phrases that people use to find a product in the hope that they find you in the results. Even better is to appear in the first few results without paying for the priviledge. This is natural search and it works by getting everything right in a combination of code, site structure, content - especialy copy - and how many other people refer to your site.
Search engine optimisation
With continual attention and monitoring, all of these things combine to make a website work well in search engines. Get this right and it can deliver spectacular results. At Springside, 75% of those who bought the first homes in the first weekend came to the website via search.