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Introducing a major landlord to other landlords
Notting Hill Housing is a social enterprise with strong commercial sense. In just one area of their business they have been working with landlords to let properties for over twenty years and now manage over 3000 properties across London.
Brand new name
With the renaming of this side of their business to Notting Hill Commercial, they planned to generate more money so they can do more for people in acute housing need.
New scheme
As a roster agency we were asked to communicate a new commercial scheme. It involved landlords signing over their properties to Notting Hill who manage them at no cost and guarantee vacant possession at the end of the agreed term. The landlords get regular rent, free management services and peace of mind. Notting Hill get properties to house people in need.
Fresh look and feel
We developed a campaign that made the benefits to landlords clear. It was rolled out in target boroughs via a press campaign, leaflet and information pack. We created a fresh look within Notting Hill's newly established brand guidelines that was both professional and commercial. Our campaign message came across loud and clear.
Let your property without the worry.