Crossrail Public Consultation Website Development
Microsite helps Crossrail meet parliamentary expectation
Broad provision
Providing public access to the huge amount of material produced to support the Crossrail Bill Deposit represented a challenge.
Page after page
The Environmental Statement consisted of more than 14,000 pages in varying sizes and formats and the huge cost of printing meant that numbers had to be kept strictly to statutory requirements.
Statutory deposit
The Parliamentary Bill, Plans and Sections, Books of Reference, Environmental Statement and other Statements could be inspected at local libraries and council offices along the route.
And to ensure that the consultation process was regarded as exemplary, and that the availability of the Bill Deposit, and the supporting documents, was evident, we suggested the creation of a microsite. Making all documentation available to anyone with access to the internet.
Technical understanding
This involved detailed analysis of PDF file formats and compression settings in order to provide detailed drawings and plans at a resolution and level of detail that would be manageable as a downloadable file.
Right on time
All of this had to be achieved in the tightest possible time frame after the completion of the printed materials. We worked night and day to ensure everyone’s expectations were satisfied.