Campaign Against Living Miserably Design and Copy Writing
Calm is about getting young men to open up, sort out their problems and enjoy life.
Young man
The strong silent type is not as strong as he thinks. Many men find it hard to talk about their emotions and problems and sometimes this has tragic consequences. The shocking statistics are that everyday in Britain three young men take their own lives.
There's no need
Calm (Campaign Against Living Miserably) was backed by the Department of Health in 2004 to target young men aged 15-35 and get them talking and enjoying their lives more.
To feel down
Who wouldn't endorse the campaign against living miserably? It's a brilliant name and idea with a vital aim. We loved it straightaway and jumped at the chance to work with calm, through the Department of Health.
I said
We were asked to create visuals and copy that targeted young men and that could be rolled out by calm teams in different parts of the country. Our creative made talking to someone, including calm, the solution to a head full of conflict and confusion.
Young man
Calm has successfully talked to, engaged and helped, thousands of young men and now operates as an independent charity. For more information visit the Calm Zone.