Broad style

Style guidelines reinforce a property management brand across media.


One of our first commissions for Broadgate Estates was to refine and rationalise the visual identity to ensure consistent application across diverse media and in multiple locations.

Do do

We designed a brand and style guide that sets out the dos and don'ts of using the brand marque, a tone of voice guide plus examples of application that extend to signage, livery and environmental branding.

Don't do

The guide helps preserve the brand integrity across many of London's landmark properties and through many media.


One of our first commissions for Broadgate Estates was to refine and rationalise the visual identity to ensure consistent application across diverse media and in multiple locations.

Do do

We designed a brand and style guide that sets out the dos and don'ts of using the brand marque, a tone of voice guide plus examples of application that extend to signage, livery and environmental branding.

Don't do

The guide helps preserve the brand integrity across many of London's landmark properties and through many media.